Course Overview

Too much to keep track of? In this course, you’ll develop the skills required to use basic functions and commands in spreadsheet software for general data manipulation and personal record keeping.
Course Overview

Hola! Explore the vibrant culture of various Spanish-speaking countries as you learn the language. Develop the essential skills for listening to, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish through a variety of activities, including interactive multimedia.

Spanish 10 has 8 units/exams. Each unit is organized into 4 sections:  Lesson, Structures, Practice, and Assessment. You’ll have the opportunity to listen to new words as you practice reading and saying them. You’ll also view videos, play interactive games, and do self-check quizzes to solidify and broaden your learning. There is a teacher supervised midterm and final exam. 

Writing and recorded speaking assignments will be submitted online. There are four interactive conversation assessments which need to be done during school hours with the ADLC teacher (phone or skype or google hangouts)

For many, the best learning resource is the teacher!
Course Overview

Bring it on! In this course, you’ll investigate the principles and techniques underlying short-order cookery and learn the skills necessary to properly identify and prepare foods commonly found in short-order kitchens.

This is the active course for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please contact Andrea Belke if you have any questions.